Quest:Warband: Gîmtog

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Warband: Gîmtog
Level 85
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Gîmtog
Starts at Whitshaws
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.2S, 63.0W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Wildermore: Whitshaws
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Gîmtog terrorizes the eastern edge of the Whitshaws.


Gîmtog terrorizes the eastern edge of the Whitshaws.

Objective 1

Gîmtog can be found patrolling the eastern edge of the Whitshaws with a pack of vicious wolves.

Objective 2

Gîmtog can be found patrolling the eastern edge of the Whitshaws with a pack of vicious wolves.

Objective 3

  • Completed

You have defeated Gîmtog, earning the gratitude of the people of Wildermore.